Geophysical research: article

V.N. Koneshov1
V.B. Nepoklonov1,2
E.S. Spiridonova2
1 Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2 Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Moscow, Russia
Journal: Geophysical research
Tome: 22
Number: 4
Year: 2021
Pages: 5-23
UDK: 550.831.015: 550.831.23: 519.654
DOI: 10.21455/gr2021.4-1
Full text
Keywords: Earth's gravitational field, model, gravity anomaly, plumb line deflection, transition region, coast- line, Russia, comparative study
Аnnotation: The method for comparing global models of the Earth's gravitational field in the form of expansion of the geopotential into a series of spherical harmonics is presented. In accordance with it, new experimental data supplementing and detailing the comparative characteristics of modern models including their spatial resolution are obtained. The peculiarities of the experimental data obtained in this work is that they describe in detail how the studied models converge or differ from each other statistically in the values of gravity anomalies and deflections of plumb lines in transition areas from land to sea (using the contour points of the coastline of Russia along its entire length as an example). The considered models were analyzed by groups: the first included eight ultra-high-resolution models (up to 1420–2190th order of the geopotential expansion), the second – fourteen high-resolution models (up to 360–720th order of the geopotential expansion), including four Russian models. The study analyzed both intragroup and intergroup differences. The obtained statistical characteristics are zoned for eleven marginal seas – the Black, Baltic and from the White to the Sea of Japan. It was found that the parameters of intra-group differences of high-resolution models in general are 1.5–2 times higher than those of ultra-high-resolution models. It is shown that, depending on the studied area of the coastline, the greatest inter-group differences are observed for the Black Sea, the Far Eastern seas (by contrast) and the Arctic seas (by range). The largest intragroup differences are characteristic mainly for the zone of the Far Eastern seas, the central sector of the Arctic, and the Black Sea region, in the latter case, only for high-resolution models. The possibilities of using the developed method for comparative studies of modern models of the Earth's gravitational field in transition areas are noted.
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