Geophysical research: article

M.I. Aleshin1,2
O.N. Vidischeva3
E.I. Valieva3
A.K. Mirinets1
E.D. Egoshina3
A.E. Rybalko4
M.J. Tokarev3
E.N. Poludetkina3
1 LLC “SPLIT”, Moscow, Russia 2 Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 3 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 4 Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
Journal: Geophysical research
Tome: 22
Number: 3
Year: 2021
Pages: 35-52
UDK: 550.8.05
DOI: 10.21455/gr2021.3-3
Full text
Keywords: Lake Onega, seismoacoustic profiling, seismostratigraphy, Quaternary sediments, lacustrine deposits, gases in bottom sediments, pockmarks, computer tomography of bottom sediments
Аnnotation: This article highlights the results of joint geological, geophysical and geochemical observations of water area of the open part of Lake Onega and the Zaonezhsky Bay, provided in 2018–2019. In order to study the upper part of the geological section of Lake Onega, the structure and properties of bottom sediments, studies were carried out by the method of very high resolution seismic survey, geological sampling with a gravity tube, as well as geochemical analysis of the composition of gas and organic matter in cores. As a result of the interpretation of the obtained materials, authors distinguished five different seismic complexes that include acoustic basement associated with crystalline bedrocks, glacial morainic sediments and lacustrine deposits. For selected horizons, the values of the physical properties of the rocks were calculated, such as the velocity of longitudianal waves, the reflection coefficient and the acoustic impedance. The obtained characteristics of the deposits of the Zaonezhsky Bay are similar to the characteristics of the deposits of the Petrozavodsk Bay. Geoecological sampling data made it possible to carry out a better lithological subdivision of the samples. Geochemical studies showed that biogenic methane is the main component of the gas mixture in sediments.
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